2008년 8월 29일 금요일

question #2: character who i most identify with

I would have to say that Patrick is the character who I most identify with in this novel. Patrick is lost, insecure and often fights himself as his biggest and sometimes unbeatable enemy. Although most of the times he fights with people on his back.
I sometimes try to find my own identity also. As a person who was born in England, lived in Korea for few years, left Korea and settled in China for five years and came back to Korea in eight grade, it is quite confusing which group I belong. I am sometimes very proud of myself being a Korean but also I am proud to be born in England since I can speak their language. Also, China, who is growing into a developed nation and number one in world economy, bring me pride since I lived there for a quite a period and China feels almost like my home country. I am similar to Patrick in that we are confused of who we are. However, Patrick’s identity is hidden in the vagueness while mine is mixed all over but with definite shapes. Though there is slight difference, I feel strong pathos toward Patrick. Not knowing who I am, not able to find out a definite answer to the question must be driving me and Patrick also. Sometimes, I fall in a deep thinking of trying to figure out the way to unravel the mixture as Patrick falls off his track and puts himself into a chaotic situation. (82)
I also fight with myself to defeat the weaknesses that I possess like Patrick fights himself to find out his consciousness. My greatest weakness is laziness. I can never make myself to become diligent and hard working. However, people around me try to put me on track. Patrick who is defeated to himself can never stand up again with his own strength but always with help of others. However, when we do actually get back up, we try to fight ourselves back again and again and again.

question #1: most beautiful passage.

The passage that I find the most beautiful in this novel is the last three pages of chapter one, “Little Seeds”. The passage describes the nature with detail and imagery so that the readers are also in the story. It is one winter night and Patrick is intrigued by the blue moth that keeps on disappearing. “What was a moth doing at this time of a year?” (20) The fact that a moth was flying around during the winter time not only intrigued Patrick but also me who wanted to find out what is the intention of the author of the mysterious bug. The imagery is also vividly portrayed that I am Patrick who is carrying the kerosene light and trying to follow the moth in the darkness.
As Patrick keeps on searching for the moth, repetition of darkness and light is shown as symbolisms in the passage. The Kerosene light to the darkness where moth keeps on disappearing, the moon light to the thickness of clouds, sparks to the dark clothes and etc. The moth, which I believe symbolizes the purpose of life or identity, keeps on disappearing into vagueness and Patrick, the “searcher” with “light of hope”
Then at the last of the passage, Patrick witnesses several skaters that Patrick compares almost as dancers. “speed!” “romance!” “waltzing with his fire…” (22) Such representation of passion and love and Patrick’s strong desire to join one of them shows his later future relationships with Clara and Alice.